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            Throughout the school year, I will be incorporating technology into my lesson plans for every subject. I have listed ten of the online tools along with a brief description on how the particular resource will be used in our classroom. Feel free to check out the tools and contact me with any questions or comments that you may have.

-Miss Kuhn



    At the beginning of every week students will be given a topic to write on throughout the week with a pencil and paper and then they will transfer their finished product to Penzu, an online journaling source to share with their family and friends.



    Polleverywhere is a site where I can ask a question during a lesson to students and have them respond on the class set of iPads. By using this site, I can quickly look at the student’s responses to see if they are understanding the material and adjust my lesson plan accordingly.



    This is a great site that has numerous educational facts on different subjects that are age appropriate. I will close out each week with a fun, educational fact for the students. Please ask your student each week what the fact of the week is!



    Free Rice is a site where students can answer educational questions, and if they get the answer correct the website will donate 10 grains of rice per correct answer to third-world countries. This is a great educational site that helps those in need! I will be using Free Rice in the classroom as a reward for students, for working hard, good behavior, etc.



    Khan Academy is an excellent educational tool as it offers a variety of practice exercises, videos, and a personalized dashboard so students can study at their own pace. There is something beneficial on this site for every student! I will allow students to access this website during in-class computer time, as well as incorporating videos and exercises into my lessons.



    Teaching Channel is a website where I can get videos on a topic that we are learning about in class that are educational and align with the Common Core State Standards. I will be using these videos periodically as introductions to a new lesson. The videos will engage students as well as introduce the topic we are about to learn about.



    We will have a class twitter page and I encourage parents to “follow” our page because I will post about upcoming school projects, events, assignments, or any announcements that I may have. Also, when our class goes on fieldtrips I will be posting information prior to the trip as well as updates while we are on the trip so parents can see what fun the students are having.



    I will be using Engrade as our classroom online gradebook. Using this website I can post grades, attendance, assignments/homework online so you as parents can see how your child is doing and to see if your child has any homework that day. I encourage you to use this site to monitor your child’s progress in between conferences.



    I will be using the Smithsonian online website throughout the school year for a variety of history lessons. I can find articles, videos and pictures that directly relate to what we are learning. Also, we can take a virtual tour of the Smithsonian as if we were actually there. The museum has cameras set up throughout the museum and we can pick which camera we want to look through and zoom in on different things, which is super cool. I plan on doing the virtual tour at the end of the year as a reward to the students.



    Great Websites for Kids has educational websites on a variety of topics that students can log onto and find information related to a topic. Also, featured is a “site of the week”, and each week our class will explore that site. Each student will then write down five things that they learned from the “site of the week”. I will also allow students to use this site for any projects they may have as there is a variety of subjects and topics listed on this site. 


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